On Saturday I met Tracy at the print workshop. We had agreed to work together on some more coloured versions of her repeat print. I started by working up a couple of designs for my Visual Inquiry class - images created from script, of Dad. I emulsed a couple of hand screens and left them to dry to expose on Sunday.
Tracy had brought some red, blue and orange fabric samples, and wanted to work into them in the same way she had worked the yellow original. This involved mixing binder with pigment, to reach the required colour. I have done quite a lot of colour theory, and assisted Tracy to get the colours right. I think she was surprised at how cautious I was in adjusting the tonal values of the orange, to get the right impure colour. Tracy made a good job of documenting the process in her visual diary, and ended up with some good colour samples and process description. This took nearly all day. Once she had finished with the repeat screen, we cleaned off the design, and I re-emulsed it ready to have another print session with my gum nut pattern. I want to do a print run on black fabric, to complete a piece of work that takes the mid-semester feedback into account. And I want to have more than one piece of fabric to display at final review.
Today, Sunday I have spent my time working on my essay on Grayson Perry. For some reason I'm finding it hard going. I have so much to say, but only 2,000 words to write. And I'm finding it difficult to fit what I want to say, to the marking criteria, and be sufficiently articulate, without using lots of the wordcount on narrative. Still, at least I only have to tidy up the text in order to finish it for Friday, when it is due. I find all the fiddling about getting suitable high quality images, and correct referencing very irksome, and it does not put me in good humour. I was just finishing for this evening, when I pulled out a file from the bookcase, and let out the most almighty squawk! Jim rushed through to the bedroom where I was working, to find me holding a ring binder with trepidation. I had seen a cockroach on the edge of it! Jim knocked it to the floor, and killed it, and disposed of the remains outside. Jim commented that I don't usually get jumpy about creepy-crawlies and he knew it was not a false alarm so came rushing through. I know there are cockroaches in Australia, but it's the first I've seen in the flat, and I was tired and not expecting it, so it certainly made me jump (and squawk!).
I'm tired now, and mercifully I've completed all the filing. If I don't keep on top of the educational paperwork, I'm lost. I'm not naturally tidy, and have to really work at it to keep things in order. So now, feeling virtuous, I'm going to bed with a good book. Revision for Historical Issues in Art & Design test can wait until Tuesday.
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