Thursday 22 September 2011

A good result in class

I got 80% for my Pattern & Meaning mid semester assessment.  That is just starting into the Higher Distinction grade (80-100%).  I was absolutely delighted.  I had worked really hard and very much enjoyed the module content.  I have worked out why I don't like some patterns - because I'm not keen on symmetry or rigid repeat, but once we learned how to do a repeating pattern by creating a jigsaw effect, I was away on a wonderful journey.

Today after class I was scaling up the pattern repeats to be the first in class to use the mechanical printer to do a whole table length of print. I need to be ready to print next Friday. And I'd just taped it all together - when I offered up the small screen to check it fitted - and realised I had copied it all reversed!  But as Jessie the tech observed, at least I have time to rework, rather than the tears that happen when students are working right up to the deadline! 

I have to admit I've been really lucky with the large repeat silkscreen I've been given.  These big frames are easily damaged because of the size of the stretched silk, and a lot of them have not been cleaned well, so are absolutely covered in grot.  But because I was first to volunteer to be ready to do the large print, I've been given an almost perfect screen.  I made a good job of cleaning it again, and it is now labelled with my name, waiting for me to emulse the screen, and expose it with my multiply repeated pattern.  I'm hoping to be able to use my small screens from the metre square project, to work into the 6m piece and get some good handprinted variation along the length.  Wait and see!

Yesterday  in Historical Issues of Art & Design, I realised my personal art style is quite closely aligned to the philosophy of the Romanticists - whereas Jim would be a Classicist.  This is why I love these classes.  On learning the theory, I analyse my own work and realise the art periods that support the way I work. We were comparing Classicism and Romantism.  Classicists like reason/rationality; order/control; symmetry; light; idealised form; normality; and calm stability.  Romanticists like feeling/emotion; asymmetry; darkness; indviduality; abnormality; and dynamic instability.  The only bit I don't like is darkness, and I'm more inclined to use darkness to accentuate light or colour.  So I think I am a high colour Romanticist in my art style.

I've been reflecting on my sociology module - Private Lives, Public Issues.  Although I've decided the subject is not for me, it has been a really interesting module which has expanded my interpretative skills.  One of the skills we learn is how to analyse social observations in detail, leading to the ability to make an accurate generalised statement.  I've been reading Dick Francis books in the evenings here, and am now seeing them in a completely different light.  His books are written in a way to make an interesting read, but I can see he makes a detailed narrative from which generalised patterns of behaviour can seen in the wider social context.  And some of the conclusions are pretty unpalatable.  I've just read Decider, where he describes a family that often has fierce battles in private, but will always present a united front to outsiders, despite the internal cover-ups costing them dear.  And right at the end, the reader finds out just how distasteful the final cover-up is.  I really did not think I would get some of the application of a sociology module in my light reading! 

Roll on tomorrow when hopefully I get my screen design correctly copied!

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